About Bernard

Bernard was born (1927) and raised in Southport where his father owned a bicycle shop. He knew that he wanted to be an artist from the age of nine and his family supported that choice. After attending the Liverpool School of Art in 1943, Bernard went to the Royal Academy School and spent a year studying drawing. In the 1950s he taught drawing and after winning a scholarship to study in Paris, he met and mixed with many of the famous artists of the Paris art scene, including Maurice Esteve and Picasso. Lydia Corbett, Picasso’s "ponytail model" was a lifelong friend.
While in Paris, he studied the process of aquatint etching under the pioneering artist Johnny Friedlaender.  It was during this time that he travelled throughout the French countryside and collected drawings that would form the basis for his architectural landscape paintings. During his years in London he was part of the "London Scene" being friends with David Hockney, Nicky Clarke etc.  He focused on large canvases in an abstract expressionist tradition, before returning to landscape paintings worked in a structured style using an earthy, muted palette.

In the 1980s Bernard "migrated" to  Oundle in Northamptonshire, where he lived un til his death in May 2021.

Credits and Links

Thanks and credit to these people for putting my site together  (links open in a new tab) :-


Pictures framed by Felicity at Effeljay 


Images of my pictures for the site by Nisha

Web Site:

Web Site developed by David at Compsol

Help & Friendship:

Fellow artist Crispin Heesom has been an enormous , see his work at www.crispinheesom.com
Thank you to all my friends in and around Oundle.